Sent on behalf of the diocese of Scranton to the pastors:
Reverend and Dear Father,
It is my great pleasure to present to you on behalf of the Diocese a new online system that is focused on evangelization and engaging younger Catholics. We have met with the creator of the website, Brian Pedone, and, along with recommendations from both Father Quinnan, Our Lady Queen of Peace, and Father Boyle, St. Maximilian Kolbe, we feel that the site would be of great interest to your parish as well.
The name of the website is and it encourages Catholics to live the faith. Catholics can post a good deed demonstrating to the world what it means to be Catholic and living their faith according to the Golden Rule. All posts are anonymous and link back to the Catholic parish the good Samaritan belongs to. Mr. Pedone will serve as the content moderator for the site, ensuring that nothing inappropriate is posted. The idea behind the site is to provide a tremendous amount of positive attention to Catholicism, as well as to highlight the Catholic parishes responsible for such good works.
We ask that you take the time to visit the site and see it for yourself. The site has already seen tremendous success, with Catholic parishes signing up at a rapid rate and good deeds in the hundreds. We would like to see our Diocese better represented and ask that you encourage your parishioners to use the site. We have enclosed a copy of the bulletin ad that both Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Maximilian utilize.
The site itself requires NO extra work on your behalf. All that we ask for is a mention in the bulletin about the service and maybe a word or two to your parishioners. We have been closely monitoring the site and feel that it meets the expectations of the Diocese of Scranton and all that we have to uphold as Catholics.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.